The concept of shopping assistants is not new but as the trend of eCommerce has increased so has the demand for virtual shopping assistants. These are nothing but bots that are AI-powered which offer all kinds of solutions to the users who have been on the site. The demand for such technology is quite high in the market as the trend of online shopping has increased too. Besides, it is one kind of approach that is being made to enhance the customer experience and thus convert them into loyal ones. Besides, it is indeed a time-saving solution as well.
Know more about the virtual shopping assistant:
Over the past few years, the trend of online shopping has increased quite a lot. This is the primary reason why the virtual shopping assistant has been in trend too. Such chatbots are powered by AI which usually pops on the website widget. It can also occur as the text message that offers the right guidance to ensure the customer’s purchasing decision is made hassle-free. That is the main reason why eCommerce merchants are now able to offer the customers 24*7 support while saving a good value on the human agents. Besides, customers can even get advantages from virtual shopping and the technology would make sure that customers can access the help as and when needed.
Collect information:
It is now possible to get the possible and crucial details of the customer and their preferences. This later can be used to make the selling better. As the conversation rate of the personalized suggestion is 5 times more than that of the average visitor conversation, indeed such a choice is the best one.
With such a virtual assistant, it is possible to save a lot of money as the stress to hire a live chat support team that would be dedicated will eventually be less. This way the inquiries number to the existing support team on the regular basis would also reduce. It is then possible to direct all such savings to the profit or make its usage for creating and improving the other business areas.
Competitive advantage:
Since this is an emerging concept, chances are very less that competitors might even be using it. Those who have already got this technology can ensure the customers get better responses. This would grab more attention of the users across the world and thus the rate of profit would be high too.
With a solution of virtual shopping assistants, the stress of first-time users to use the site or to make the payment and get details of the order has been reduced to a great extent. Such software solutions have machine learning technology with the processing of natural language which is used for facilitating the interaction that would be text-based with online visitors. It can perform different tasks such as making the recommendation for the product or even to answer the questions and offer the order-related details without any kind of hassle.