Real Estate

The Founder of Capital Commercial: Norman Ebenstein

The Founder of Capital Commercial Norman Ebenstein

Sometimes, we have to talk about the people who have influenced our societies in one way or another. There are a lot of accomplished individuals out there who can inspire us and help us be the best versions of ourselves, which is why talking about them from time to time can be encouraging. It can give us hope that we can also do amazing things and amount to great heights by putting our skills and our knowledge to use and by working hard to achieve our goals. Read more about some of the traits that those people who inspire us usually have.

One person that definitely deserves admiration and that can certainly inspire us to become the best versions of ourselves is the founder of Capital Commercial Properties, called Norman Ebenstein. If you expected this article to be about certain celebrities that the entire world has head of, then you were undeniably wrong. It is not my goal to make you look at the lives of people who are in such spotlight, because that can usually be more discouraging than encouraging, especially if you fail to remember that most of those celebrities don’t really live the way they live on camera.

So, if you were expecting a Hollywood celebrity, your expectations were certainly wrong. That, however, does not mean that you won’t be able to learn some amazing things and get inspired, because one could easily call Norman Ebenstein a celebrity in certain circles. In order to understand what I am talking about, we are going to have to take a closer look at the life of this man, and at some of his accomplishments.

What Is Capital Commercial?

Let us begin by talking about the company that I have mentioned above, and that this man is the founder of, because I am sure you are curious about what the company is all about. Even if you weren’t familiar with it previously, your interest has probably been sparked once I mentioned the firm. If you take a closer look at the actual name of the company, you will undoubtedly realize that the name sort of speaks for itself and that you can take a guess, and guess right for that matter, as to what it is all about.

This can help you get better acquainted with the man behind the company:

Capital Commercial Properties (or CCP in short) is a well-known name in the real estate industry, so I would be surprised to find out that you haven’t heard of it before. Sure, if you are not from that world, then there is certainly a huge chance that you haven’t heard of the company before, and there is nothing unusual about that. Yet, given that you are here, I think it is safe to assume that you have heard of CCP before and that you have at least about it.

Nevertheless, let me tell you what you definitely need to know about this firm. It is a family-owned business that was founded by Norman Ebenstein, and that is now run by other people from the Ebenstein family. This is a firm that is always looking to purchase and develop both new and existing properties, while always having conservative growth in mind. A lot of amazing projects have been completed with the help of this company, and it has undeniably helped shape numerous East Coast neighborhoods.

If you think about it carefully, you will realize that we have CCP to thank for numerous shopping centers, malls, as well as commercial and residential properties that have significantly helped improve not only the entire look of the East Coast, but also people’s quality of life. Perhaps the most significant project that is very well worth mentioning here is the Eden Center, a commercial district where you can find over a hundred shops, supermarkets, restaurants, jewelry shops and many more stores. An interesting fact is that most of the businesses in Eden Center are owned by local families, which further deepens a sense of community.

Who Is Norman Ebenstein

Who Is Norman Ebenstein?

You now probably understand what CCP has done for the community, but there is one thing you need to be perfectly aware of. None of that would have been possible without Norm Ebenstein, who has been the president of the mentioned company for over 50 years. Since I have mentioned Eden Center, it is worth saying that this is believed to be the crown of his career and that Norm Ebenstein himself takes pride in what he has been able to create and how he has been able to contribute to the community by creating such a place. It is time to have a closer look at the life of this man.

Norm Ebenstein was born in New York, but his parents decided to relocate to Worcester, Massachusetts, shortly after his birth. Norm had a great education, but his first real passion was law. In fact, it is an interesting fact that he has worked as a lawyer for several years before joining the real estate world. I am sure that he would have done great things as a lawyer, but we cannot help but be thankful for the fact that he has decided to change his path and become a real estate mogul.

So, at some point, this man decided that it was time for him to take a different approach to his life and he founded CCP. The fact that he spent 50 years overseeing numerous property development projects shows that this was his true passion. What is amazing is that a lot of people have benefited from his passion, which makes pursuing it even more worthwhile.

What Can You Learn From Him?

At some point during this article, you must have wondered one thing. What is it that you can actually learn from Norm Ebenstein? Well, let me put it this way. This was a man that has dabbled in different professions until he found the one that was his passion. So, don’t be afraid to follow your instincts and work towards making your dreams come true, because you could someday become an inspiration for others as well.

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