
13 Signs That You Grew Up In Pine Bluff

I was born and raised in the beautiful city of Pine Bluff, Ar. Less than 45 minutes from Little Rock, and sandwiched between two paper mills, Pine Bluff was once known as “Stank City.” Chronically listed as one of the worst places to live in the U.S., it’s now infamously known as “Crime Bluff.” Though the “Bluff” has never been the safest place to live, it’s still the only place I will ever call home. Here are 10 signs that will let you know if you are really from the “Bluff.”

Your first bank account was with Simmons First National Bank.

You miss going to the King Cotton Classic during holiday season.

You still think Basil Shabazz is the greatest athlete in Sports history.

You started buying alcohol your sophmore year of high school.

You started clubbing when you were only 16.

You leave the car running when you go into the gas station.

You or someone you know works for Tyson Chicken.

You or someone you know works at Walmart.

You think everybody is snitching or works for the Police.

You eat fried chicken at least once a week.

You you can easily distinguish the difference between the smell of a fart and the smell of a paper mill.

You prefer Irish Maid doughnuts over Krispy Kreme.

You prefer to purchase your fried Chicken at a gas station.

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