As much as you don’t want to leave your pup behind during a vacation or business trip, it may be your only option. Pets seem to sense when you’re planning on going somewhere. They get extra cuddly and give you those puppy eyes, making leaving even more difficult.
As a pet parent, you want to ensure your dog has the best and safest experience while you’re away, which means you need to consider your boarding choices. Here are some of the most popular dog-sitter options.
Dog Kennel
When you’re on your trip, your dog may need extra care. A good boarding facility will not only provide the essentials, but it will also give your pup the attention it needs to thrive. Kennel staff members should take your dog for walks and play with it so it can get through your getaway with ease.
It would be best if you took the time to visit several kennels before making a final choice. Check each facility for cleanliness, temperature control and proper ventilation. Make sure that the kennels provide soft bedding and adequate space and that there are extensive play areas. To ensure your dog’s safety, you may also want to ask the staff whether they require current proof of vaccinations.
Additionally, you should inquire as to whether the facility provides certain services, such as training. If you’ve been trying to work with your pup but haven’t had time or luck, the staff may be able to assist you with training. Make sure they’re giving your pooch dog training treats healthy, as you want your pup to understand positive reinforcement.
Pet Sitter
If you’d rather have one person give your dog undivided attention, a pet sitter might be a better solution. Choose a friend, family member or professional. You can either allow a sitter to stay in your home for the trip’s duration or have them visit several times throughout the day.
Another option is to have the sitter take your pup to their house. If the sitter watches dogs full-time, they may have others dwelling at their home when your pooch is visiting. You should discuss this possible scenario with the sitter. As long as the dogs have their vaccinations and are healthy, there shouldn’t be any issues with them hanging out together. Dogs are pack animals and thrive from socialization, so your pup may love the experience.
Every dog is different, so you should base the decision on your pet’s specific needs. Does your dog require constant supervision, or does it sleep much of the day? Does it take daily medications, suffer from anxiety or have seizures that require extra care?
Whatever your dog’s situation, make sure you find someone you can trust. If you have to rely on a stranger, interview the individual and ask for references. It’s vital to ensure your pet stays with someone who is giving it the care and attention it requires.
Neighbor Agreement
If your neighbor is also a dog lover, you may be able to make a pet exchange compromise. This agreement means that when you’re away, your neighbor consents to watch your pet with the understanding that you’ll return the favor when they’re away.
This option is excellent for trustworthy, honest neighbors. However, if you don’t know your fellow homeowners well, you should set aside time to meet with them and gauge their personalities. If you get along, let your dog interact with them a few times before your trip to ensure your pup is also compatible with the neighbors.
Vet Boarding
Pets with medical issues may need extra care that most people don’t know how to give. Staying at the vet’s office might be the safest option for sickly dogs, as a vet can offer lifesaving care.
If your pet is healthy, a vet office stay isn’t the best choice. The environment is usually noisy and stressful, and other sick animals may be nearby. An ill pet may not be as affected because sick animals often spend more time at the vet’s office. However, a healthy dog wouldn’t be used to such an environment.
Finding the perfect place for your pet while you’re away will give you peace of mind. Although it may take some time and effort to locate a suitable location or sitter, you’ll be relieved knowing your pet pal is in good hands, and you’ll have a plan in place for the next time you have to take a trip.