From weight gain to infertility
what oral contraceptives do not blame? But more often than not, these claims have no scientific evidence
Many women fear that their fertility will be permanently impaired if they start taking pills, and that in the future this will affect the possibility of having children. due to anxiety contraceptives stop ovulation in the middle of the menstrual cycle and thereby eliminate the secretion of hormones in the body. While taking birth control pills, the ovaries are in a blocked or inactive state. But no matter how long you take the pills, your natural ovulation cycle should return when you stop taking them. Tablets do not stop and do not reduce reproductive function. If after a suspension of treatment, a woman has difficulties with trying to get pregnant, she should look for other reasons.
Stopping birth control pills increases the chance of getting pregnant
As with the belief that tablets can negatively affect reproductive function, the idea that they can increase fertility is also a myth. “This statement is completely untrue. If this were the case, gynaecologists would prescribe birth control pills in order to help the patient become pregnant. They do not help and do not prevent this after stopping their intake. They simply block hormonal functions that are fully restored after stopping the intake.
Birth control pills cause mood swings and irritability
Women often associate increased emotionality with the effect of pills on our mood, and this is considered one of their side effects.
where participants taking pills said they were feeling sadder, more fun, or in the same mood as before. But do they take into account external factors that also affect mood? Is it fair to put all the blame on hormonal treatment? ” So, although there is no way to completely eliminate this, but also there is no way to verify this for sure. “Ideally, a patient who needs effective and long-term contraception should see for himself
Some medicines counteract the effects of birth control pills.
This is one of the few widely held opinions that is true. “Rifampicini rifabutin (both antibiotics) reduces the effectiveness of contraceptives. Among these substances, azithromycin, ampicillin, amoxicillin, nitrofurantoin, clarithromycin, metronidazole, ciprofloxacin, doxycycline, penicillin, tetracycline, cefazolin, levofloxacin, clindamycin, erythromycin, phosphomycinsulfate, and trimethasimetasimetase are also isolated. If you are taking any of these drugs (consult your doctor if you are not sure)
Breaks are needed in birth control pills
The opinion that birth control pills can negatively affect you if you take them for a long period of time is very common. If initially they worked properly and did not negatively affect your well-being, then there is no reason to assume that this will happen in the future. “One or two decades ago, the pills had a higher dose of the hormone, so side effects more often appeared “but this does not mean that they negate ovarian function or reproductive function. Ultimately, no breaks are required. see more
Myth 1. Birth control pills protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
In fact. When used correctly, birth control pills prevent pregnancy, but do not protect against HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases. Condoms must be used to protect against STDs.
Myth 2. Even taking contraceptives, a woman can become pregnant; it means they are not effective enough
In fact. With proper daily oral contraceptives, the chance of getting pregnant is less than 1%. However, many women take the pill irregularly. Hence, cases of conception while taking birth control pills. Here are the most common reasons why a woman who uses oral contraceptives may become pregnant:
Only 42% of women take birth control pills daily.
At least 16% forget to accept them at the end of the month.
About 25% of women stop taking contraceptives during the year, but do not use other contraceptives.
About 33% of teenage girls miss a pill at least every 3 months.
Ask your doctor how to take birth control pills correctly. Read the instructions carefully and clearly follow the directions for use.
Myth 3. Contraceptive drugs have many unwanted side effects.
In fact. Previously, oral contraceptives contained a much higher dose of the hormones estrogen and progestin than now. By reducing the amount of hormones in the new generation of drugs, the risk of side effects is much lower. Birth control pills have both pros and cons. They prevent pregnancy, normalize the menstrual cycle , ease the condition during menstruation and reduce the risk of ovarian and endometrial cancer.
However, some women face the negative aspects of taking oral contraceptives. Birth control pills increase the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system and increased thrombosis in the limbs. Side effects also include nausea , headaches , breast swelling, weight gain, spotting from the vagina, and depression . Many of them disappear within a few months after the start of oral contraceptives.
Therefore, consult your doctor before starting treatment. Give him the medications and supplements you are taking. Some drugs may decrease the effectiveness of the pills.
Myth 4. Contraceptive drugs can lead to cancer.
In fact. Modern studies have shown that oral contraceptives are in no way or very much associated with the development of breast cancer. Fears that the pills lead to the development of other types of cancer have also not been confirmed. Conversely, taking oral contraceptives reduces the risk of developing ovarian and endometrial cancer.
Myth 5. Contraceptive drugs increase the risk of having a baby with developmental defects.
In fact. Even if pregnancy has occurred while taking oral contraceptives, they do not affect the development of the fetus and the health of the child.