What is human resource management (HRM)?
HRM can be described as the successful managing of individuals in an organization. HR management helps bridge the gap between the output of staff and the strategic priorities of the organization. In addition, a successful HR management team is able to give businesses an advantage over their competition. HRM as a department’s aim is to build employees through motivation, training and development.
These professionals make up the staff of a corporation. For instance, they may be daily workers, but also contractors. More and more individuals are starting to work for a company on a contract basis, especially with the rise of the service sector, without having a traditional labor contract. Some of them also check out Linkedin Resume for added recruitment.
Human Resource Management (HRM) is the latest development oriented approach to maintain employees at workplaces in order to acquire maintain and utilize the human resources.
1. Social level: One of the most important roles of Human Resource is to create a balance between the job seekers & the jobs available. By recruiting in a fair & square manner & selecting the deserving candidates. HRM issues notifications when jobs are available in its organization through various modes. Reducing the improper usage of human resources through conserving their health and the normal energy is also social level importance of HRM. Please remember that, beyond the career path taken, many HRM roles are still tasks that other organization managers perform, which is what makes this data relevant.
2. Professional Level: By giving maximum opportunities to the development of individuals & forming the dignity of employees as human beings, enhancing the employees capacity & working skill by reallocating the work. There is an utmost professional level of importance of Human Resource Management.
3. Individual Level: The right attitude can be created in the employees through effective motivation to achieve the company objective and fulfill their psychological and social needs such as love, esteem, belongings etc.
4. Corporate Level: Human resource management helps the companies to achieve the organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner. The competent and dedicated team of the company should be utilized properly to generate the productivity in a right way.
5. National Level: Economic development of any country is highly dependent upon various attitudes, skills and values of its human resource. The human resource contributes to the economic growth by helping improving the standard of living & ensuring better employment.
6. Organizational Level: Various organizational positions, created in an organization through organizing process are filled by human resource management functions. Human resource management ensures that various organizational positions are filled by right persons and they are retained in the organization over a period of time.
7. Utilization Level: Various organizational positions are allocated to non-human resources such as physical and financial. Sometimes, there is match between a position and the position holder, physical and financial resources are used efficiently because the position holder knows well how these resources may be utilized in the most efficient way.
8. Employee Level: Effectiveness and achieving the objectives of human resource management leads to employee satisfaction in various ways such as, feeling of an employee that he is doing a job which matches him, availability of promotion, incentives for better work performance, development of the employee on continuous basis, etc. This satisfaction leads to heightened employee morale and his productivity goes up.
9. Policy Level Policy: formulation is the main objective of the Human Resource Management. The department is deeply involved in the business strategy and it accepts it as a fact or it has a focus to utilize it to the maximum.
At last, we can conclude that achieving various objectives of human resource management can help to achieve the organizational objectives as well. From formation of policy to recruiting desired workforce & train them accordingly, it plays a major, important role & helps the organization to reach the optimization by maximizing efficiency & maintaining a healthy culture around the workplace. Exemplary management skills are displayed by HR practitioners and boost the reputation of a company. The method of management of human resources ensures that the organization leads by example and the activities of the business fall in line with its vision.