When you have just started to blog, you may be completely new to everything. All the processes and the shortcuts must be new. Well, here is the thing.
If you have less than 300 website views every day, then you definitely should do guest blogging. This way, you can increase the number of visitors visiting the blog. When you have fewer views for a blog you post, it is like giving out your views in a vacuum. No one is receiving what you are trying to give. Hence, when you voice your opinions elsewhere, then, you can talk about some real mass.
But how do you guest blog?
How do you increase your guest post outreach? It is very simple. Find a niche blog that is quite famous and become a guest writer for that blog.
How will you know it is a popular blog? You can know that by learning how much traffic it drives every month and how much DA or domain authority it has.
When you get to tap into other people’s traffic, then you can cultivate your craft well and carve a good name for yourself.
Domain authority or simply known as DA is the scale which is from 1-100 that tells or predicts how likely that website will rank on the number 1 page of the Google Search Engine results for any given keyword. Interesting, right?
Read on to know more about how you start guest blogging if you are completely new and are just starting.
1. Find a good niche blog that you can become a guest blogger for.
Guest blogging is not easy and if you are going to step into this, you must be talented. Remember that you are doing these guest posts for traffic building and you are building traffic using two techniques: one that works when you have an audience, and the other that doesn’t have an audience.
2. Select a great way to do your guest post.
You can always choose a roundup post because they are the best bet. It is like an interview or rather a mini interview where you go and ask a bunch of questions to the experts of the respective field. All you have got to do is to decide the questions, find the experts, know their email addresses, doing the guest post outreach, write the post and promote it. Once you are done doing it, you can see how the magic brews.
3. Build your relationships with the other bloggers
These posts you create will help you build relationships with the other bloggers. They are the key to building relationships with popular people in your niche. Here is how you are going to build the relationships: the initial outreach, the response, your thank you mail, you can notice that the post you have written is live, and their email telling you that they shared it with their followers. This way, you can slowly build some bond with them.
After this, you can use the snowball effect where you mail a list of questions to the other bunch of experts and tell them that you have your previous experts’ help already. This would sound prestigious and hence, you can slowly start to network from here.
4. Plan the guest post
When you have decided how and what you are going to do, you need to plan how you are writing the guest post. You have the raw content ready and you have a list of experts who contributed to your post. Now, do not forget that the main reason you are guest posting is to get as many as relevant and quality backlinks that will boost the score of your domain authority (DA)
Then, you can slowly keep track of the DA of each blog in a spreadsheet.
5. Choose the right guest post topic
When you have done so many steps, you need to always plan the right guest post topic. You have to be unique and then you have to focus on the post. Do not go for what is trending or which one is the most famous. In fact for those topics that you feel are worth writing. Have a sketch of what you are going to write like the topic, the style, the introduction, and word count.
Hence, you can follow these 5 steps to get started on how to work on the guest posting and how to do your guest post outreach. It is always recommended that you place a link of your blog in the introduction or the end and where ever you think it is suitable. After all, it is the first blog you are posting. Make sure you follow the website’s guidelines that you are posting on. Good luck with the guest post!