Skunk spray, also known as skunk musk, is an oily and repulsive-smelling liquid secreted in the anal glands of the skunk. Skunk spray is mainly made up of sulfur chemical compounds. When the animal feels threatened or at risk, it sprays the secretion either in the form of a mist or directed stream. What’s more, skunks can spray their musk to a distance of between 7 to 15 feet in an attempt to repel their predators. It is also worth noting that skunks have a very accurate aim.
Skunk spray features a very repulsive smell, which is often very difficult to get rid of, especially if it gets onto your clothes. In this post, we will be discussing how to deal with skunk spray.
Does Tomato Juice Remove Skunk Spray?
If you ask most people how to get rid of skunk spray, you are likely to get tomato juice as a suggestion from most of them. However, if you’re wondering about debarking pet myths: does tomato juice remove skunk spray? The answer is that it is a myth. Tomato juice does not remove skunk spray. The reason why most people seem to think tomato juice works is because the human nose stops smelling the skunk spray odor if it is at very high doses. When this happens, the only scent detected is the tomato juice. This deceives most people into thinking that the skunk spray is eliminated.
Therefore, the truth is that tomato juice only masks the odor and fools the olfactory senses as opposed to neutralizing the skunk spray odor. This phenomenon is referred to as olfactory fatigue. It is a phenomenon that occurs when an animal or person inhales a strong odor for a very long time that they can no longer get repelled since their senses have become accustomed to it.
What Works?
The most effective solution for removing skunk odor is using a neutralizing agent that will work on the particles of sulfur on a chemical level. For instance, you can use a combination of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. This makes a safe and gentle solution. It can be used on humans, pets, and fabrics. Always go for liquid detergent because it is easier to mix with the rest of the products. All you have to do is add one quart of hydrogen peroxide to two tablespoons of liquid detergent and a quarter cup of baking soda in a large container. Use the mixture while it is still foamy by applying it using brushes or sponges to areas with the skunk spray. This solution particularly works well on pets.
If you or your pet gets sprayed by a skunk, you should try to keep it from getting into the house. The last thing you want is to have the smell pervade your home furnishings and the overall environment, where it can linger for days. Therefore, take care of the odor without getting into your house. Note that when skunk spray gets in the eyes, it causes temporary blindness, irritation, watering, or squinting.