Architectural plans are graphic representations with a highly technical aspect of a building or house. As a whole, they provide an understanding of a number of characteristics before, during and after its construction. Therefore, when it comes to the applications for construction permits, architectural plans are an essential aspect for the evaluation of the construction permission by the authorities.
Through a set of plans and drawings, varying from free-hand sketches to highly detailed technical plans generated by software, architects can transform the wishes of an employer or client. Using the aesthetic sensibility and technical expertise of such software, the clients’ wishes and preferences are formatted into a set of highly accurate plans that will guide the proper integration of the various elements and specialties during the construction process.
Several graphic conventions are put into practice throughout the generation of the plans of a building to facilitate the understanding of the technical, aesthetic, geometrical and practical aspects.
Architectural plans: different types
Different plans, sections, drawings, online architect plans etc. are collectively referred to as architectural plans. All of these technical and graphic representations are established for the use by one specific professional throughout the process of construction. Each plan will be designed to expose aesthetic, geometric or technical information to its readers. These plans can be utilised throughout the decision-making process of the project management, the execution by the contractors, for administrative use, for technical verification, etc.
The term of “plans” is not the most accurate name for the different architectural drawings, since the term plan needs to be used only for a representation along a horizontal axis. However, since the plans are frequently the most numerous with regards to all the architectural drawings of a house or building, to identify the various elements and to construct a house or building, this misrepresentation is generally utilised instead of the more accurate name of drawings.
Drawings usually gather projections, especially sections along several vertical planes –views of important elements of a house or building, facades, etc – projections in 3D, according to some angles, like forty-five degrees perspectives with vertical and horizontal lighting.
Floor plans – what is it?
The floor plan is the scaled diagram of a space visualised from above. A floor plan can depict a building, one single floor, or just a room. It can include furniture, measurements or anything that might be necessary to the purpose of the plan in question. Floor plans are actually very useful when designing furniture layout, wiring systems, and other elements and systems. Floor plans are a highly valuable tool for real estate agencies and leasing firms in helping sell out a space.
Floor plan design and its importance
Floor plans are truly vital when it comes to designing and constructing a house or building. A proper floor plan will increase the enjoyment of the space by creating a pleasant flow between rooms and can eventually increase its resale value.
Things you need to know about architectural plans
There are a few things you need to know before you go ahead and start working through the architectural plans of your house or outdoor space.
– Understanding all the differences between drawings: Each architectural plan will provide you with different details of the future building. Understanding all the differences between the drawings is key; this is the only way in which you can look at the project in its entirety.
– Analysing the legend: Before you even get started reading your architectural plan, it is very important to make sure you understand the drawing legend. While some architects tend to communicate in a common language, there are usually a few differences in line designs or symbols.
– Being able to differentiate new from old: Understanding what actually stays and what is being built will provide you a much better understanding of how the space will change. Existing walls are usually presented as a simple, solid black line. New work is typically presented as two lines without any fill.
– Understanding how drawings are relating to each other: Perhaps you have noticed a circle that contains letters and numbers next to a drawing title or maybe within the plan itself. Those numbers and letters might be referencing other drawings from your architectural documentation.