NCERT Exemplars are primarily practise books containing extra questions, which provides comprehensive learning among students. The books have conceptual problems based on CBSE syllabus and other competitive exams. Most of the time, the CBSE board exam covers in-depth problems so it is very beneficial to study these books. NCERT Exemplar Class 8 has problems based on the latest syllabus of CBSE board. The primary objective of designing Exemplar books is to help students perform well in the class exams.
The problems consist of new concepts, multiple choice questions and various skill developing questions with the aim of improving logical approach among students. It mainly provides exposure to students to various concept based questions that may appear in the exam. NCERT Exemplar is designed to provide both students and teachers with problems of higher aptitude. It provides basic knowledge about the applications of concepts, which are learnt in day to day classes. It is difficult for students to find the perfect study material to make their exam preparation more interesting.
Usability of NCERT Exemplar
NCERT Exemplars are designed by experts after conducting a wide research on each concept. The information provided guides the students in the right direction. These books cover fundamental and basic concepts on all the topics to help students gain a firm hold on them. The main aim is to improve students with their problem solving abilities, which are significant from the exam perspective. NCERT Exemplar Class 9 contains standard questions along with extra information for the pros . Even though there are less number of questions in the book when compared to others, it effectively covers the entire syllabus required for the exam. Many questions in various competitive exams are directly taken from the NCERT books.
Exemplars are written in simple language by experts after years of wide research conducted on topics. Students get a wide range of study materials in the current market. It is confusing for them to select the exact reference guide, which helps them speed up their exam preparation. For the class exams students need to practice the problems as much as possible. Regular practice on a daily basis helps students analyse the types of questions that would appear in the exam. NCERT Exemplar problems have both direct and tricky questions to help students answer the problems with higher confidence levels. When it comes to exam preparation most of the students prepare to score optimum marks, which are vital to achieving their career dreams.
NCERT Exemplar is an essential source of study materials for the students in order to obtain a high academic score. Students who wish to score good marks in the exam can make use of these books to get a clear knowledge about the concepts covered under each chapter. Thus, by referring to NCERT Exemplar books, students can perform well in the exam and get good marks. These books are curated by subject matter experts with the aim of helping students with their exam performance.