No matter how often you travel, packing will always be a daunting task you would put at the very bottom of your checklist. It may appear to be a simple task, but it is a scientific theory with rules that many travelers find out the hard way after thousands of miles on the road.
Whether it’s a quick weekend getaway or a 5-month round-the-world trip, packing for a trip can be a stressful experience. It is not the fun part of the vacation, especially when you have to pack countless items and become overwhelmed by the process.
In some cases, you might accidentally leave some items behind, causing you to be unprepared for the trips. If you are traveling on a budget, it is crucial to pack your things efficiently to avoid extra charges on your baggage. You can find different traveling hacks on the internet. Some are helpful, while others can be horrifying.
There are a few packing tips that can help makes your vacation an easy ride. Here is a handy guide:
Plan Your Outfit
The main tip to avoid over-packing is to plan what you are going to wear every day during the trip. When you plan, you not only pack the exact amount of clothes, but you also save yourself from the stress of deciding what to wear during your trip.
This is not only possible for short trips, but also doable if you are going away for an extended period. Consider whether you will be able to do your laundry while on your trip. If it is a yes, then you will only need to pack for 7 to 10 days. In addition, you do not have to plan many different outfits.
Find the Right Bag
Having the right bag is crucial to ensure that you can pack all your necessities, including personal toiletries. There are different key factors to consider when choosing a bag. Some say that it is the hard-shell suitcase’s durability. Others argue that the additional flexibility of soft side bags can be advantageous.
There is no one-size-fits-all bag. Depending on the destination you are going to, it could be a backpack or a suitcase. Either way, a lightweight bag is often the key as it is easier for you to carry even when the bag is filled with all your stuff.
Travel-Sized Container Alternatives
Bringing liquid items such as your shower gel, makeup, or hair care products could be hard as they are often heavier and take up space, especially when they come in big bottles and tubes. Using travel-sized bottles make it easier for you to carry them everywhere.
What you can do is to use little hacks like squeezing your foundation into a contact lens case. You can also opt for buying travel-sized products. They fit way more easily into either a carry-on or checked-in bag and take up much less space than standard-sized bottles.
Stuff Your Shoes
Shoes may take the most space in your bag. Therefore, one way to solve this is to fully utilize the space inside the shoes. You can stuff up small items like socks, underwear, and small bottles into the shoes. Aside from protecting the bottles from cracking and taking less space, it helps to maintain the shape of the shoes. As for your big boots, consider wearing them instead of packing in the bag.
Decide Which to Roll or Fold
Some may argue that one technique works better than the other. However, it depends on the material of your clothes. Rolled clothes take less space than folded ones, and it also helps reduce creases for some materials. You also get to organize your clothes easily as you can see each of them. However, jeans and dresses may take up more space when rolled up compared to being folded.
Folded clothes, on the other hand, require minimal effort and help you to pack faster. This method is very convenient when folding jeans as the material is much thicker than normal t-shirts. However, folding your clothes may take up more space in your luggage and may also leave some gaps between clothes.
Ask Yourself Whether You Need the Item
It could be hard to decide whether you need to bring along your favorite sneakers or your new wireless earphones together on the trip. When packing, you will often find that everything is suddenly essential to bring on a trip. But it is sometimes advisable to pack as light as possible.
If something is not necessary, you might want to consider leaving it at home. If you suddenly find it important, you can always purchase one during the trip. Sometimes, you will probably discover that you do not need it at all!